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How WordPress Is Creating a Faster Web – WordPress News

How WordPress Is Creating a Faster Web – WordPress News

— Many enhancements are available out of the box, with no configuration required. They improve the website frontend’s performance—the part visitors see—and various parts of the administrative experience, such as the editor. Here’s a partial list of performance upgrades from the past year:

The World’s Best Inbox Just Got Better

The World’s Best Inbox Just Got Better

— Automattic welcomes Beeper to the family. At Automattic, our core belief is that communication is a fundamental human right; it should be accessible, encrypted, and open source where possible.

Dropping support for PHP 7.0 and 7.1

Dropping support for PHP 7.0 and 7.1

— Support for PHP 7.0 and 7.1 will be dropped in WordPress 6.6, scheduled for release in July 2024. The new minimum supported version of PHP will be 7.2.24. The recommended version of PHP remains at 7.4 or greater.

Homepage updates

Homepage updates

— If you visit WordPress.org, you will notice a few changes. This is not a complete reenvisioning of the homepage but rather a quick initial iteration that aims to accomplish a few things.

The future is open-source

The future is open-source

— I am an open-source fanatic. I started my open-source career by contributing to WebKit in 2005. WebKit is an open-source software component for rendering

WordPress 6.5 “Regina”

WordPress 6.5 “Regina”

— WordPress 6.5 “Regina” is here! Named in honor of Regina Carter, renowned jazz violinist and educator, this release was made possible by over 700 contributors. “Regina” also marks the introduction of some breakthrough developer tools that will start transforming how you use and extend blocks to craft engaging experiences.

Making a WordPress Media Corps

Making a WordPress Media Corps

— It has long been the case that WordPress’ most successful marketing has been chalked up to word of mouth, but our substantial network of WP media partners has never been included in any definition of that. I know that we rely on outlets like WP Tavern Jukebox, Underrepresented in Tech, Do the Woo, Gutenberg Times, and countless others to get our information out to users of every variety. And for all these years, they’ve had to know the right people and read the right stuff to get accurate and up-to-date information into their content for their audiences.

Democratizing Performance in WordPress

Democratizing Performance in WordPress

— In the style of the WordPress mission statement to democratize publishing, I like to call this effort Democratizing Performance. Or in other words: performance for everyone. In my eyes, everyone should be able to have a fast website, regardless of their skill level or technical knowledge. To achieve this, we take things that used to require advanced technical knowledge and make it accessible to everyone.

New Feature: Font Library

New Feature: Font Library

— Introduced in WordPress 6.5, the Font Library allows users to manage fonts directly in the editor. It comes with a set of APIs that allow developers to control, adapt, and disable its behavior.

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